A Master Public Speaker and Advocate for Education

A Master Public Speaker and Advocate for Education

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A young girl holding a microphone and text that reads " raise confident ".

My Books



A logo of the name rennu dhillon

Stephanie & Bea

"If there was to be only one noticeable fact in Chloe, it is that your GKs program develops the kids personality and increase tenfold confidence in themselves. Chloe is influenced by your leadership, which is exciting and that I take very positively. Congratulations and Best regards!"

A logo of the name rennu dhillon

Joanna W

"I am just amazed by her public speaking skills. I have noticed her improvement in such short period of time. Words fail me. Gabby can answer most of the questions in full sentences. I cant put my thoughts or feelings into words, especially because of surprise, like when she showed up on the stage and answered all the questions in such a disciplined way. Thank you so much Miss Rennu. Thank you so much for your big heart. Genius Kids Rock!! I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation to your great support and encouragement to bring Gabriella up to speed. Thanks for the great efforts and patience. A big thank you to you all at Genius Kids. As always, thank you so much for your wonderful support and great assistance. Special thanks to what you did to Gabriella. Gabriella loves Genius Kids and Miss Rennu!"

A logo of the name rennu dhillon

Krish V

"Thanks a ton for the encouragement Ms.Rennu. All of us (kids and us) love participating in the events you organize. The breadth of talent amongst kids is really great to see - singing, dancing, painting, public speaking, piano, hula hoops, gymnastics etc. For us we love the part of seeing our kids go through the entire process. They chose their own topics for speech and painting. Agastya, gave us every single detail he wanted us to capture in that speech and we only put some structure around his thoughts. Then he practiced till he knew the speech in and out, questioning us on every word and its meaning. Both kids loved their choice of paintings - Anagha wanted something more colorful and joyous (her personality) and Agastya more of his vision of a peaceful day in nature. Loved how everything came together. You also got special complements from kids grandparents for including topics that speak to the importance of family and cementing some of these fond memories in their hearts. Again thanks a lot for organizing a great event, it was fun and educational to watch and be part of!"

Offered through Rennu’s affiliate partnerships:

Rennu is known for her stimulating, challenging curriculum that focuses on reading, public speaking, art, communication, and confidence-building. Programs are offered at her Genius Kids Franchise Centers for ages 0-5. Private public speaking lessons are available in person with Miss. Rennu depending on availablilty.

Win With Words

is the Public Speaking curriculum that has been written, conceptualized, and designed by Rennu Dhillon. Miss Rennu is the founder of the accelerated learning programs and national franchise in the US, Genius Kids.
Dhillon is a professional emcee, TV and radio host, producer, and director. She has produced shows worldwide and is known for capturing her audience with her natural sense of humor and eloquence in public speaking. The curriculum referred to as Ms Rennu’s Recipes has been personally written and narrated by her. She offers private public speaking sessions for children ages 5-12.

Building Women Empowered

Rennu is a strong believer in women empowerment. She started BWE in October 2021 as a private group on social media, and within a few months grew into a large global group of over 2,000 members. It was time to take BWE to a private portal with a strong focus on member selectivity with privacy. She hosts several events and meet-ups during the year to help women network and build their self-worth.

A logo of the words " win with words ".

Win With Words

is the Public Speaking curriculum that has been written, conceptualized, and designed by Rennu Dhillon. Miss Rennu is the founder of the accelerated learning programs and national franchise in the US, Genius Kids.
Dhillon is a professional emcee, TV and radio host, producer, and director. She has produced shows worldwide and is known for capturing her audience with her natural sense of humor and eloquence in public speaking. The curriculum referred to as Ms Rennu’s Recipes has been personally written and narrated by her. She offers private public speaking sessions for children ages 3-12.

A woman standing next to a school bus.

With Miss Rennu

is the academic curriculum that is offered for students who are unable to attend her Genius Kids centers. Rennu is known for her proven phonics and reading program, where students as young as 18 months old have mastered their phonics and fluent readers emerging before the age of 3.

Couture Reviva

Stay tuned.  An exciting venture which will be the sister affiliate of Building Women Empowered.

Couture Reviva, where elegance is revived will be high-end consignment store offering a curated collection of luxury fashions specializing in Indian attire  at affordable prices. Whether you're looking to buy or borrow, the selection of exquisite outfits will ensures that you'll find the perfect piece for any occasion. Coming soon. Experiencing the  joy of fashion that combines sophistication with sustainability. Discover, indulge, and transform your wardrobe with Couture Reviva.

For Good Manners

For Good Manners is part of the public speaking curriculum focused on developing critical life skills to include etiquette and manners in children. Designed for ages 3-12 through innovative storyboarding, this program is highly effective in initiating the importance of manners in children. The program has been developed  in collaboration with Sheena Dhillon, daughter of Rennu, who is a public speaker instructor, Life Coach and Therapist. 

Prem Connection

Between 1994 and 1998 Rennu managed a very successful private matchmaking service where she connected over 200 people in 4 years. Then when the whole internet dating came into place, she moved on to pursue her passion in education knowing that someday the demand for private matchmakers would emerge. In 2020, in partnership with Kamal Gill, they have revived the private matchmaking service, offered as a  community service for the Asian Indian professional community. Contact Rennu for more details on this service.

For Good Manners

For Good Manners is an online curriculum focused on developing critical life skills to include etiquette and manners in children. Designed for ages 3-12 through innovative storyboarding, this program is highly effective in initiating the importance of manners in children. The program has been developed by Sheena Dhillon, daughter of Rennu, who is a public speaker instructor and Life Coach and therapist.

A blue and white graphic with the words for good manners

Between 1994
and 1998

Between 1994 and 1998 Rennu managed a very successful private matchmaking service where she connected over 200 people in 4 years. Then when the whole internet dating came into place, she moved on to pursue her passion in education knowing that someday the demand for private matchmakers would emerge. In 2020, in partnership with Kamal Gill, they have revived the private matchmaking service, offered as a  community service for the Asian Indian professional community. Contact Rennu for more details on this service.

A black and yellow logo for the premier connection.

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