The Door Never Opens

The Reality of Pain: Time Does NOT Heal – Door Never OpensWhoever said “time heals” was mistaken. Time doesn’t heal grief. Grief doesn’t disappear; it stays with you, silently lingering as life goes on. You can’t forget what happened, and you constantly question why it did.We all know that loss is inevitable, and reminders from…

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Denial Phases Comes & Goes

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Denial Phase Comes & Goes The journey of grief comes in different stages, and unlike other things in life, these stages come and go in no particular order. The first stage, which is the denial stage, can drag on for months. The denial phase of…

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Life’s Curveballs

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Life’s Curveballs When life throws curveballs, it often feels like everything we know and rely on is being challenged. You start to question you spiritual beliefs and everything around you. You ask yourself, “Is there really a God?”  You begin to question everything especially when…

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Do We Ever Overcome Grief

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Do We Ever Overcome Grief Having been on this journey for almost three months, I still feel the pain and loss as intensely as when he took his last breath on April 18, 2024. Tomorrow will mark three months since we said goodbye to Gill,…

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Being Vulnerable Is Allowed

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Being Vulnerable Is Allowed When You Grieve Recovering from any loss of a loved one is one of the most painful, emotional and physical experiences to endure since you realize that you have no control of life. To add to the pain, the most common…

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Dealing With the Loss of A Parent

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Dealing With the Loss of A Parent Losing a parent is deeply traumatizing, and no one is ever fully prepared for it. While we grow up knowing that one day our parents will no longer be with us, facing that reality is still incredibly difficult.…

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Embrace the Holidays

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Embrace the Holidays With His Memories Holidays are generally a time of great joy for many, but for widows and families who are grieving, they can be the worst days ever. Since Gill passed away on April 18, 2024, I have had to experience three…

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Taking Life For Granted

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Taking Life for Granted We often take life for granted until one day, we wake up to the harsh reality of brewing just one cup of coffee and making breakfast for ourselves. If we’re lucky, we might have a pet to talk to, or we…

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Different Words & Responses

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Different Words, Different Responses It’s amazing how different words can generate different responses. When I went through my divorce, and people asked where my husband was, I would respond that I was going through a divorce. The typical response was, “Oh really, sorry to hear…

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Can We Be Prepared for Loss

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Can We Be Prepared for Loss I read messages from so many who continue to grieve loved ones, some still years after the loss, and we wonder why grief is so painful. We never learn to handle this part of our life. We never learn…

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