Different Words & Responses

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Different Words, Different Responses It’s amazing how different words can generate different responses. When I went through my divorce, and people asked where my husband was, I would respond that I was going through a divorce. The typical response was, “Oh really, sorry to hear…

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Can We Be Prepared for Loss

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Can We Be Prepared for Loss I read messages from so many who continue to grieve loved ones, some still years after the loss, and we wonder why grief is so painful. We never learn to handle this part of our life. We never learn…

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Navigating Grief – The 4 Cs

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Navigating Grief: The 4 C’s In my journey through grief and my extensive reading on how to manage this painful experience, I came across the 3 C’s – Choose, Connect, Communicate. However, I believe there’s a fourth “C” that’s equally important: Companionship. This is crucial.…

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Therapeutic Writing Is Part of Grieving

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Therapeutic Writing as Part of Grief Many of you have asked me how and why I write openly to express my grief for the loss of my parents and husband. This practice is known as therapeutic journaling. I have always enjoyed writing and found it…

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Leave Me Alone to Grieve

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – Leave Me Alone to Grieve How many of you feel the need to shut the world out and find that silence where you can simply figure out all the “why” and “what” questions? How many of you grieving want to scream, “Leave me alone to…

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The Reality of Grief – “Fight or Flight”

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief – The Denial Stage Is Fight or Flight Every person’s experience of loss is unique to them, but one commonality is that life will never feel the same again. This is because not only does the loss of your loved one weigh you down, but you…

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Denial – “The Final Goodbye”

From the Desk of RD The Reality of Grief Denial “The Final Goodbye” Intellectually, we all know and understand that no one lives forever. But when we are actually faced with the loss of a loved one, we forget that death is inevitable and begin to question it. Many of us then grieve silently in…

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The Quiet of the Night

From the Desk of RD My Journey of Grief In the quiet of the night, I hear a whisper’s song,A melody of memories where we both belong.Yet the echo fades to silence, a lonely, hollow tone,For I am here without you, wandering alone. The stars above still sparkle, but their light feels dim,Their brilliance now…

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