The Door Never Opens

The Reality of Pain: Time Does NOT Heal – Door Never Opens
Whoever said “time heals” was mistaken. Time doesn’t heal grief. Grief doesn’t disappear; it stays with you, silently lingering as life goes on. You can’t forget what happened, and you constantly question why it did.
We all know that loss is inevitable, and reminders from condolences don’t soften the blow. But what remains are the haunting questions: Why did they leave without saying goodbye? Why did God allow this? Is there even a God?
We wonder if they did something wrong to be taken so soon, or if it was us—what did we do to deserve losing them? These questions follow us everywhere, in every quiet moment. We speak to them when we wake, before we sleep, when we drive, and in our solitude. We replay unfinished conversations, trying to say what was left unsaid.
Then, there’s the overwhelming task of figuring out how to live without them. You walk into their room, touch their things, smell their scent, and pinch yourself—hoping it’s just a bad dream. I keep pinching myself, waiting for Gill to burst through the door, laughing in his joyful way, saying, “I was just kidding. I never left you. I’m right here.”
But the door never opens.
#thejourneycontinues #thegriefjourney #mygriefjourney #fromthedeskofrd #rennudhillon #missingyoubaldi #grievinghard