Therapeutic Writing Is Part of Grieving

From the Desk of RD

The Reality of Grief – Therapeutic Writing as Part of Grief

Many of you have asked me how and why I write openly to express my grief for the loss of my parents and husband. This practice is known as therapeutic journaling. I have always enjoyed writing and found it a valuable outlet for sharing my feelings.

Initially, after losing my dad, I wrote poems. My dad had encouraged my poetry writing when I was a little girl, and I wanted to continue nurturing the skill he had helped develop in me. After losing Baldi, I was bewildered beyond explanation, not only by the sudden loss but also by the many questions and uncertainties that surfaced.

I have found that by putting my feelings into words, I can somewhat relieve the deep pain within myself. Sharing my words has revealed that many others feel the same way, helping us realize we are not alone. Grief can be so intense that it feels impossible to function or face a new day. By sharing our thoughts—simply letting words pour out of our hearts and minds without worrying about grammar or essay writing—we begin to make sense of the grief.

Try it. It works.